Business Articles

Doing Due Diligence On Wall Street Media

Have you ever got the feeling your missing something critical before moving forward with a Position on Wall Street? I had that feeling as well. And since I did I did some basic research on the Media reports on TV. And what I found was interesting and concerning. I found the Media Wall Street rely’s on is incorrect most of the time. So we need to do some Due Diligence on Wall Streets Media Machine. And I can share with certainty. Those who are Hedge Fund managers and Active Traders will find these resources very useful. Check out this amazing little research group. Muddy Waters Research.


If your like most Day Traders and Hedge Fund Managers or Analysts you don’t have time to monkey around. Time is money, money is time. So you get busy! LOOK Before you stop and take that TV Report on a Public Company serious? I would stop and do some basic research. And this research group I was introduced to by Mr. Bill Ackman at Pershing Square Management is complete and utter gold. Link Below.

Did you catch the Article I wrote previously Here on the Types of Accredited Investors

Market Research Firm

Ok, here is another resource for you guys that need it. Check out these guys as Wolfe Research Group.

Wether you need Research and Market Insights or Intelligence? This firm won’t disappoint. If they do? Well nothing is without risk. But we would highly suggest looking and meeting Market Research Teams.

If you found value on my little corner on the Web?

All I ask from you is to copy a link and paste it onto your blog or website or social media directing visitors my way as a thank you for the value listed here.

If your interested? Why is Wall Street losing traders? Watch the report or story on CNBC Youtube below.

Thank you and Godspeed to you all who trade.

Business Articles

Business Intelligence Services | M&A Transactions

Rock Solid information is always something to procure through due diligence. However there is a difference on Solid Info vs. Actionable Business Intelligence. And something you need to consider up front. Insider Trading is not the topic I am referring to. That is a post in of its own. For now I am trying to communicate to you Mergers & Acquisitions Professionals that Actionable Intelligence can not be substituted.

What is Actionable Intelligence?

Information is raw data or facts in a public forum or online data base easily accessible. Intelligence is information you would not see in raw form. But rather would be a pieces of information. Focused into clarity or a vision from multiple sources.

So if your a Banker, Attorney, Accountant or a Businessman or BusinessWoman finding credible sources to provide Business Intelligence. Will in fact be a game changer on how you analyze deals and incoming deal flow opportunities. So how do you do this? In the Business community usually we call something similar Proprietary Deal Flow.

Proprietary Deal Flow

When entrepreneurs are first looking for deal flow usually they do whatever feels natural to them. They go out in the community expecting to easily find deal flow. However a big shock hits them when they find out almost no body will give them the time of day. They fail to realize their are strategies at play they are not privy to. And unfortunately most Professionals won’t share their secret sauces to success. But I can dial you in on some secrets on “How to gain access to “Proprietary Deal Flow Here.”

Acquisition Target Intelligence Services?

Some Senior Executives require open source intelligence. Intelligence may include but is not limited to. How should executive evaluate and analyze Business targets for a possible Acquisition? You should look at the Business, the people, and the Clients or Vendors, and the Competition. Analyzing all aspects of business during different parts of the year will yield different results. All of this information is vital to the success of acquisition targets. If your executive team requires additional information services. For example. Information not listed online or provided by big firms. Brokers websites and or online directories. We are experts of negotiate and investigating for your teams comfort and benefit. Our Executive tailored services are staffed by former Senior Military Leadership, Veterans who served during Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Operated in Syria, Africa, and beyond. All of our Special Operations Intelligence professionals and Special Mission Unit Operators are available for advisory services.

Thank you for reading. If you have found the information provided useful, please share to your networks. We are happy to connect with professionals and executives needing an edge and former Military team ready to deploy on a moments notice.

