Business Articles, Investment Banking

The Best Investment Banks In Kansas City

Yesterday an Investment Banker from JP Morgan Wall Street in New York City asked me, If I knew who was the top Investment Banks in the Kansas City area? I had to stop myself and ask the same question. The simple truth is? I did not know. So I figured it would be good idea to research the question and find out. Thinking about this in depth? I honestly should know a few of these professionals in case I am ever looking for a specific opportunity, Deal Flow, or advisory referrals. So I started calling around about who’s who? And these are the recommendations that made sense.

Interestingly if I was in New York City we would normally be sharing the large Wall Street Investment Banks as my choices. I have several relationships with many of these Investment Bankers but none are in Kansas City. Normally I would list the top Investment Banks for this Article. Banks like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America Securities, Morgan Stanley and many more. However since I am not in New York City I must look at the smaller Investment Banks in Kansas City. These are going to be my short list of choices for the short term. Or at least until I am able to meet more of our local Investment Banking Professionals in Kansas City.

Its true the Kansas City area only has a few known local Investment Banks within our community. The first Investment Bank I would like to recommend is our most well known. Interestingly, I have had the privilege of meeting it’s Founder many years ago. It’s founder Mr. G. Kenneth Baum and His family are known supporters of our gorgeous Gallery Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. And the families philanthropy work is known and generous as well. Mr. Baum’s Son is now in Command of the Family Firm and has been leading the firm to a exciting future.

George. K. Baum & Co.

George K. Baum & Co Websiter

Frontier Investment Bank

The second in line is Frontier Investment Bank and for all intensive purposes according to my Business Attorney this small boutique Bank is top notch and the list of Transactions completed long. When experience, leadership, and market research count? Im very positive that if you need your business sold at fair and favorable terms. This is most likely a Investment Bank that can do that for you and help with a long list of Advisory services. I will be reaching out to ask the Lead Sr. Executive and Attorney Mr. Patrick J. Trysla, “How he has built his remarkable team.”

Country Club Finance | CC Capital Advisors

Several weeks ago I opened my Email and found typed out a personal Invitation to attend Country Club Banks CC Capital Advisors State of the M&A market in Kansas City. I sincerely did not know what I was about to find. But when I arrived I met someone who honestly spoke my Language “FINANCE”. And this alone made me think? Maybe this is going to be very interesting. See here’s the thing. For about 2 and 1/2 years I have been basically alone here in Kansas City as a Entrepreneur with a incredibly unlikely story.

Most local Investment Bankers and Finance professionals have zero clue I really am trying my best to learn all about Finance. And most importantly be of service and be valuable for the Finance business community in Kansas City. But the reality is this. I have not been able to capture the interest of this very exclusive community until now.

Let’s finish with this CC Capital Advisors. I walked in Country Club Bank and dropped my Coat off for this evening reception and events. Immediately I spotted a few older Gentleman who looked like they were the Professionals who knew what they were doing. I immediately could tell they have been to war and won within the Finance community. I was impressed to be able to meet CC Capitals Team. First off to shake my hand was the warm astute Mr. Christianberry who greeted me casually, and next to him was fellow MD’s Mr. Conway and Mr. Hense Jr. who also welcomed me. First things first. I could honestly tell these fella’s are very experienced. It was clear they were literally professionals I should strive to be like. They welcomed be warmly and we talked shop and the current M&A market for about 10 minutes.

One thing that sincerely I should probably share? I am genuinely thankful for the Privilege of meeting these Managing Directors of CC Capital Advisors. I hope one day soon to spend some more time with these fellas. They truly impressed me. The presentation CC Capital Advisors was spearheaded by Stephanie and Mr. Conway. The market of M&A in the Kansas City area, basically confirmed what I have been hearing and seeing from New York Investment Bankers. When the entire Presentation was finished? I sincerely was blown away at the facts and market information I had just reviewed. It was exactly what I had been seeing from my vantage point across the country. These two did a fantastic job. I was again very Impressed.

Please take the time and if your in this small community or interested? I would like to suggest you read the State of M&A in Kansas City provided and written by CC Capital Advisors. They honestly have done a outstanding Job making the information easy to follow. I wish others in other Markets like the South West would be this easy. Here is the link to the Report. PUBLICATION M&A KANSAS CITY

In conclusion I would like to include CC Capital Advisors on this short list of Investment Bankers in Kansas City I would recommend. Its a very small community. And it’s been my experience? If you treat others well? They will be helpful to you as entrepreneur. And if your Investment Bank and Advisory Team have my tough stamp of approval? You must be doing something right.

This list is obviously going to be very short. However within a month or just inside a few weeks? I will be able to expand this short List. Giving a more detailed look at each Investment Bank, listing more Banks that have trust in this space, and what makes them special? As with anything. Highly specialized industry leaders, professionals, financial services and capabilities are the deciding factors who becomes the most influential and trusted Organization within any industry. Please Stay tuned as I meet these professionals and begin listing what makes their firms the choice for you.

What is Kansas City's Best Investment Bank?

According to Investment Group Partner and Notable Kansas City Entrepreneur Kc’s Best Investment Bank is G.K Baum & Co. Sharp chose this on the merits in light of him personally knowing and trusted this Banks Founder. Legendary Financier George Kenneth Baum.

Thank you for reading, and I just need to share this thought. This list will not include local Business Brokers. This listing will be my personal picks of who I trust as a Partner. Since I am on a World Class team of Investment Professionals.
Stay tuned. JS.

Business Articles

M&A Proprietary Deal Flow

Most Business Professionals are going to find creating Proprietary Deal Flow on their own without help ridiculously difficult. But if you have a good attitude and use your own professional networks. You may just have a fighting chance. How does a entrepreneur become known as someone that will look at your deal? It just kind of develops on it’s own and happens. Here is a story how I was approached by a Veteran Brother to look at a deal.

How can a Entrepreneur create Proprietary Deal Flow?

If your running a Search Fund, or if your a accomplished Investment Banker, or even Hedge Fund manger creating streams of Proprietary Deal Flow is no easy task. Here’s some fundamentals that will help you along in your search. Let’s get busy.

Some Entrepreneurs, VC, and Private Equity Fund Managers are new school. But most are still using the Old School Deal Flow opportunities. Or better put! Business Partners of a certain wealth level, more likely known as “The good Ole Boy’s Network.” Watch this insightful honest insight form Entrepreneur Naval Ravikant. Oh! Click to read his Almanck Book.

Is Proprietary Deal Flow dead as Naval shares? That depends on who you ask.

First we must list the different way’s many Entrepreneurs, VC’s, Private Equity, and other Investors access Deal Flow Opportunities. And the truth is this. It comes down to your track record, credibility, who you know, and people you currently do business with.

  • Who do you know?
  • Angel Investors?
  • Professionals in your Industry or Space?
  • Successful Entrepreneurs & Other Business Personalities?
  • The Good Ole Boy’s models as I like to say?

All great questions of who? Now what actual tangible useful advice can I share with you to begin building that network of Deal Flowing opportunities? This is where it pay’s to be a shrewd networker and belong to certain communities. Truth is I am always strategically looking to develop my network and deal flow opportunities. I must share this particular post will be about being a member of a group that is across the world. Yes I do belong to a few networks that involve groups of men that have served our Country in the Elite Special Operations community. Its a fantastic community to be involved with. Their is always someone who served in Uniform that ended up being a Professional in business somewhere. This community Is packed full of professionals that are great to know!

For purposes to share how opportunities happen. I would like to share with you this short story. A good friend and Veteran Brother who is a newly retired Army Special Forces Green Beret. Let’s call him John.

John is undoubtedly a professionally trained Bad Ass Guerrilla who served in Afghanistan and also has a Business MBA. He was up until recently the Chief Operations and Development Officer for a Harley Davidson Product company. This business is growing because of who John is and the groups of men he knows and activities he does on the weekends. This company manufactures a part for all new Factory Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

Listen to this. We follow each other on Instagram and have known each other for sometime prviously in the SOF community. I ended up doing some professional work with a former Team Mate of Johns. And we got to know each other online over time and through friends of friends. John had messaged me he was moving on in life from his position at his company. And the team who built this company wanted to sell. Interestingly this Business has a impressive Hockey Stick sales profile. And is growing literally quarterly. Annual Revenue was right at about 20 million dollars. The owners were motivated to sell. Since they are ready to retire and move on with life.

If you like this Post Check out my previous post on if you should Trust Business Brokers?

At the end of this opportunity it was fast turning into a Broker pursuit. And my mentor and business partner was persuasive enough to share with me we needed to stick with our own industry and strategy. But it was neat to look at this company.

With this story complete you can see having a personal network or belonging to a member only club that expands across the world is ideal for deal flow opportunities. It seems I should probably go into more strategies and developing business relationships to expand on this a very wide subject. I do hope you received something from this moderately long post. Because in the end it’s gonna most likely be people who know you and your business reputation that will approach you. And they will come from all walks in life as Naval Ravikant shares in the Video.

Thanks for Reading & Godspeed!


Business Articles

Trust Business Brokers?

Ok so I am going to share some personal insight and experience about a controversial topic among Businessmen and Businesswomen. Business Brokers. “To use and trust or not to use and trust. Is the question?”

I have been told by some of my partners Business Brokers can be useful if you know how to avoid the traps and have experience associated when negotiating transactions. However I have yet to see a Broker who is not a full out Online Lead Machine and Robot. This is just so unattractive. And makes me feel like they are a Drive Through Burger Shack or worse Convenience Store. They are sales heavy and usually I would not use a broker for any reason except Multi Family Real Estate. The reason I say this is because the first rule I was taught by my Mentor who is a Fortune 500 founder and has his own PE Fund. He shares “When looking for deal flow as a Private Equity investor. Or as a Partner of a Fund. “All the very attractive deals are going to be usually off market. Difficult for us to approach and buy.” Frankly when I look for deals they must be entrepreneurial journeys and approach’s. Nothing is a free lunch in Business. 100%

Always be looking for Deals.

This should sum up my advice as a Entrepreneur. Always be looking. Most people go throughout their day going to work, shuttling the kids to the Dentist or School without ever paying attention to the details in their environment. Entrepreneurs I suggest you do pay attention. And should always be on the look out like a hawk for the next diamond in the rough deal. If you spot a building with personality or character in downtown Kansas City? You may be on to something big. Trust me. It’s worked for me. Watch for that story soon. But usually Experienced Smaller Private Equity Shops and Small Business Owners who have a few transactions under their belt. Use Brokers as a way to sit back and let them bring them Deal Flow. This has it’s own set of issues. But for now. I want to demonstrate how this kind of works.

Business Brokers Are Like Sales Robots

Most Business Brokerage’s do have forms on their websites for qualified and unqualified Business individuals to be sorted as a Meat Wagon Intake. I mean this with complete humor. Hahah. Avoid these processes if you can. From my experience. I am more of a Businessman who likes to develop trust and long term relationships if I am going to be doing business with someone. I just have to have that personal commitment and professional development time to really feel like the opportunity is not some fly by night Deal that could wreck my career and future.

People in the Sales community do not have the motivation to look at and conduct deep investigations for Due Diligence like YOU. Remember every person on the other side of the table wants to succeed and get PAID. And if corners are cut? Which they probably are sometimes. You must remember that its your responsibility as the new Owner to investigate thouroughly. Nothing will be as powerful as your own Due Diligence investigations and referring to Professional Experts offering Advice.

Here is the cool thing about Business Brokers. If you have established healthy working boundaries and trust, they will bring you off market Deals or Opportunities. That is paydirt.

Experience Matters

I am only able to write about my experiences and personal suggestions on this blog. So I am really positive my criticisms and cynical views won’t be winning me any Friends by discouraging Entrepreneurs from using Business Brokers. I find it easier to use my own creativity and approach business owners when asking them to have a conversation about their future and retirement options. There is a strategy I use to evaluate if a Business owner seems like a good Acquisition possibility. I will be writing more about how I do this so please stay tuned. However leaning on your Partners Business Experience will help you jump start your Acquisition Entrepreneurship journey. But it will be up to you to take the lead. Business Brokers in my humble Opinion should only be used if you A. have established Rapport. B. Have Mutual Respect. and C. Know you can trust the person as the intermediary.

Trust Is Everything

When picking a Business Broker I was able to hack the system of Robotic responses. Here is what I did. But first you need to know that Trust is everything. In order to establish some trust have the Broker or Firm you contact refer 3 previous Clients who have experience doing deals with this firm. Then ask for 2 Clients who did not complete a transaction. Take these introductions as serious referrals. Because in the end. You can not afford to screw up. Trust will come when your comfortable that the person wanting you to sign a NDA is not a Scheming Con Man or Woman.

In the end I am going to detail my thought pattern of trust. Because if your left with more questions than answers when dealing with Business Brokers or anyone in general. Follow these steps.

  • Trust
  • Trust But Verify
  • Take The Matter Under Advisement

As my friend Marcus Lemonis say’s “Trust the process.”

Thanks for reading.


Business Articles

Business Intelligence Services | M&A Transactions

Rock Solid information is always something to procure through due diligence. However there is a difference on Solid Info vs. Actionable Business Intelligence. And something you need to consider up front. Insider Trading is not the topic I am referring to. That is a post in of its own. For now I am trying to communicate to you Mergers & Acquisitions Professionals that Actionable Intelligence can not be substituted.

What is Actionable Intelligence?

Information is raw data or facts in a public forum or online data base easily accessible. Intelligence is information you would not see in raw form. But rather would be a pieces of information. Focused into clarity or a vision from multiple sources.

So if your a Banker, Attorney, Accountant or a Businessman or BusinessWoman finding credible sources to provide Business Intelligence. Will in fact be a game changer on how you analyze deals and incoming deal flow opportunities. So how do you do this? In the Business community usually we call something similar Proprietary Deal Flow.

Proprietary Deal Flow

When entrepreneurs are first looking for deal flow usually they do whatever feels natural to them. They go out in the community expecting to easily find deal flow. However a big shock hits them when they find out almost no body will give them the time of day. They fail to realize their are strategies at play they are not privy to. And unfortunately most Professionals won’t share their secret sauces to success. But I can dial you in on some secrets on “How to gain access to “Proprietary Deal Flow Here.”

Acquisition Target Intelligence Services?

Some Senior Executives require open source intelligence. Intelligence may include but is not limited to. How should executive evaluate and analyze Business targets for a possible Acquisition? You should look at the Business, the people, and the Clients or Vendors, and the Competition. Analyzing all aspects of business during different parts of the year will yield different results. All of this information is vital to the success of acquisition targets. If your executive team requires additional information services. For example. Information not listed online or provided by big firms. Brokers websites and or online directories. We are experts of negotiate and investigating for your teams comfort and benefit. Our Executive tailored services are staffed by former Senior Military Leadership, Veterans who served during Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Operated in Syria, Africa, and beyond. All of our Special Operations Intelligence professionals and Special Mission Unit Operators are available for advisory services.

Thank you for reading. If you have found the information provided useful, please share to your networks. We are happy to connect with professionals and executives needing an edge and former Military team ready to deploy on a moments notice.

