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The Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates

The Federal Reserve raises it’s Benchmark Interest Rates by half a percentage point which is the most aggressive action since the US is facing highest inflation rates in 40 years. Behold a new term for most? “Quantitative Easing”

After much anticipation, fan fare, and business news speculation due to rising costs within the market and easy access to cheap margin debt? The Fed convenes and finally comes out and say’s “It’s time to raise the Fed’s Interest Rates.”

The last time the Fed Raised Interest rates were in 2018. Quantitative Easing is now working by pushing more money into the economy by way of the Central Banks buying more Government Bonds through individual banks which lends money to businesses and individuals.

Ok! But What does raising the interest rates mean? After yesterday’s press conference, the Federal Reserve’s Chairman Mr. Jerome Powell began informing the Press and the Finance community. Today’s Information and Report from the Good Reporter Mr. Jeff Cox, The Business News Editor of CNBC. FULL ARTICLE

“The Federal Reserve will begin to Raise Interest rates by a half a Percentage point per the markets anticipation. When asked, The Fed’s Chairman Jerome Powell had to say about this historic increase?

“Inflation is much too high and we understand the hardship it is causing. We’re moving expeditiously to bring it back down,” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said during a news conference, which he opened with an unusual direct address to “the American people.” He did touch on the burden of inflation on lower-income people, saying, “We’re strongly committed to restoring price stability.”

Furthermore the Feds Chairman say’s, “The American economy is very strong and well-positioned to handle tighter monetary policy,” he said, adding that he foresees a “soft or softish” landing for the economy despite tighter monetary policy.

It’s likely according to the Chairman Powell’s opinion and comments on this interest rate hike, “Their will be many Fifty 50-Basis Points rate increases are coming soon. But likely not more aggressive than that.”

When you stop and consider how the Fed will begin raising the Interest rates in detail? It will look like this. They will start by raising the Interest rates by Half a percent in the first stage. Then raise again to the Three Quarters range of a Point. Then another quarter percentage of a point, Equaling the Full 1.0 percentage point. The video below demonstrates the numbers in detail.

With all the free flowing margin debt that has been free flowing for years? It makes sense the Fed is wanting to take the steps and transition raising the debt interest rates instead of a sudden hike. This ensures markets are not suddenly impacted to the point of panic. Rolling out stricter policy for a soft landing on the American People and Investors. This also begins to address the Inflation that is beginning to be out of control. But here are some more in depth facts from the report.

In conclusion we will need to sit back and see how things begin to work. It’s never easy to accept the Party’s over with easy free cash. But as time moves on I have a suspicion the market wont rise above what the market can handle. That is just my 2 cents

  • In addition, the central bank outlined a program in which it eventually will reduce its bond holdings by $95 billion a month.
  • This undoubtedly is the largest rate increase since the fed relaxed rates in 2000, and the inflation of American Debt has pressured the Fed to begin the process restricting Debt Rates.
  • Fed Chairman Jerome Powell underlined the commitment to bringing inflation down but indicated that raising rates by 75 basis points at a time “is not something the committee is actively considering.”

Thanks for reading todays Post on this Historic Event we have all been anticipating and speculating on for quite some time. If you have anything worth the time to add? Please comment below,


Business Articles

Wealth Management “TRUST”

What is the elusive often misunderstood Trust. Wealth Management Topic

A trust is a contract that gives an individual or an institution—like U.S. Bank, for example—the authority to hold legal title to assets while managing them for the benefit of others. Trusts can help you ensure that your assets are distributed and managed according to your wishes. US BANK Rich Snippet

I would like to introduce you to Trusts and the history and also how they are used in Banking.

In the 12th century and middle ages of English Knights whom were about to go on crusade needed a safe place to keep their wealth and have it benefit someone else “IF” they were captured, tortured and placed into indentured servitude for the rest of their short lives. So wouldn’t make sense to have a place to have all your wealth act like a “Will” in a way? Of course. So they would go to the London Finance Center which is a little Banking Town inside of London the City and its sole purpose in this small finance town is to act as a separate entity to ensure personal Land, Assets, and wealth was taken care of and used in the correct manor under English Law. These stewards in Banking were often bound by law so nothing could ever separate the Beneficiary from the Assets.

The legal owner would hold the land for the benefit of the original owner, and would be compelled to convey it back to him when requested. The Crusader was the “beneficiary” and the acquaintance the “trustee”. The term “use of land” was coined, and in time developed into what we now know as a “trust”.

Click on Image For Wikipedia Page

The Beneficiary is the person who is entitled to the benefits and entitlements of the TRUST. Now with this said. Beneficiary’s do not “OWN” the TRUST. They are the Beneficiary of the Trust. Trustee’s are the legal stewards of the land or Assets. Often times Attorneys have their own Trusts being officers of the courts in United States.

Is a beneficiary an owner of a trust? In legal jargon, trust and will attorneys refer to Trust beneficiaries as the “equitable owners” of the Trust. Beneficiaries will receive money and other assets from the Trust either outright (meaning being paid all at once) or in smaller amounts over time, based on the provisions in the Trust document.

Thanks for reading, we hope you found this useful. Use the links if you would like to know more.

