Developing Trust & Relationships with Local Influential Millionaires
In this post I am going to reveal the secret formula I use that could help Real Estate Agents, Business Brokers, and just any serious entrepreneur who wants to take their life and business opportunities to the next level. I would like to share a unique story that happened to me recently. It’s a story that is completely Serendipitous. And shares how using service as a helpful friend while not asking anything in return. Will help you develop trust within relationships with people who can change your business future.
Two weeks ago I was searching Downtown Kansas City, Missouri for possible Buildings and Multi Family housing as possible targets for Acquisition. And I pulled up in front of this large building that has a History in the Crossroads area. It was once built and used as a commercial property for a Fortune 500 rubber company. I liked what I saw. The old building has real character and personality. So I decided to research who the company was that owned it. And then I made the call.
Now I must share that I made this call at 8:15pm on a Friday evening. So I was certain I was probably going to end up in the mailbox. However let me describe what happens next. The traffic is going by, it’s loud. People are walking by going on their way to dinner and enjoying their evening. And here I am in Khaki Shorts and old Ripped up military T-shirt cold calling the Owners of this 9 story building on a Friday night. So I dial and take a deep breath. And it rings. Then just as I thought I hear a voice that has to be the Answering machine. Or was it? Nope. It was the owner. And I was Shocked!
It was 8:15pm Friday Night and I have reached the owner of the Building. And from my limited research He has a portfolio that seems to be at right about 25million Dollars. So I immediate begin talking to him and sharing how I am outside his building and how I feel his building has Character and Personality. It’s literally a fantastic Building. Mr. N begins sharing more about himself and how he has worked hard on the Building. And I say back, I can tell. Im impressed. And before I know it. Mr. N introduces the idea we should meet in person. And usually that would be during business Hours the next week. However an Entrepreneur immediately recognized another Entrepreneur. And we both agree now is great. He shares his Address to his home a few blocks away.
So after spending several hours with this Building developer and Building Owner. I look down and see it’s 10pm. How many entrepreneurs can say they cold called a Commercial Real Estate Developer on a Friday night and established a future working relationship? It’s just one of those cool stories that is serendipitous in nature. I really did with all honestly have a blast getting to know this Couple. I found out that this Commercial Real Estate Developer and owner I just met needs a trusted experienced friend to help with Marketing and developing other opportunities within the local market. That is something I definitely can offer as a friend.
So at the end of the day. This new relationship with these two fantastic like minded Business professionals will likely develop into a working alliance that will grow organically. How awesome is that? It truly is just one of those crazy cool stories you will have as a entrepreneur if you take caution out of your approach. And move forward with the intent of being a servant, seeking to understand. And just going for it. You honestly just never know what will happen if you let the chips fall where they may when doing cold outreach.
In conclusion I would like to highlight an important business entrepreneurial lesson for anyone who is a Entrepreneur or relies on Sales to succeed. If you just take one step forward fearlessly. Be willing to serve others and help them without expecting anything in return. Your going to have a very very successful future. However if you include service with a smile and seek to understand how you can help them achieve their goals without expecting anything in return. Your going to be a killer in your space or market guaranteed.

You most likely will think I am Bat Shit Crazy for sharing this. However the TV super star of “The Profit” on CNBC Mr. Marcus Lemonis is good man responsible for sculpting my empathy and my sensitive approach to business relationships. Don’t believe me? Here’s your proof.
I do hope you learned something from this encounter. It’s my hope that anyone who reads my Blog post’s can and will leverage my successes and defeats for their own entrepreneurial successes.
Thank you for reading.