As an Investment Adviser, Banker, or Investment Professional, you will discover other interesting stories from professionals in our investment space. Today’s post regards a confidential Adviser, who posts fascinating content about the often-misunderstood world of Ultra High Net Worth Family Offices. He is the King of Twitter’s Family Office Investment Space, the always generous and astute Mr. Family Office X- Account.
While preparing for this interview I knew I would have to give up control, as I don’t want to put anyone’s job or livelihood at stake. After all, I am still new to the community, and I need to build trust and demonstrate my strict competency with professional leaders such as Mr. Family Office. We must keep the personal Identity of Mr Family Office hidden. We have rules in this small space, just like serving in secret areas of the Military. So, in the small world of Ultra High Net Worth Family Offices, trust is earned, and reputation is everything. The rules are simple, bluntly spoken, and strictly enforced… “KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ABOUT YOUR FAMILY AND WORK”.
Confidentiality and Discretion
Mr. Family Office is an X account, (Twitter) and has grown to over thirty thousand followers and is the undisputed authority in the Family Office space on X. He generously educates his Investment Professionals and even Entrepreneurs, who have become Centi-millionaires who want to open their own Family Offices. His account has been an incredible resource for me, as a growing Venture Capital Investor and Qualified Adviser and Entrepreneur. Here is a photo of his X Account.
Mr. Family Office
Mr. Family Office is a Twitter or X account and has grown to over 30 thousand Followers and is the undisputed authority in the Family Office space on X. He generously educates his fellow Investment Professionals and even Entrepreneurs who have had an exit and have become Centi-Millionaires who want to open their own Family Offices. His account has been an incredible resource for me as a growing Venture Capital Investor and Qualified Adviser and Entrepreneur. Here is a photo of his X Account.

The Community Network of Family Offices
Since the Family Office or Space of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals is a small, elite community, another person I want to introduce and just had to include later in this post is a friend, Jorge Nikaido from Grupo Salinas in Mexico.
Jorge is the trusted Right-Hand Man or “Chief of Staff” for a bold and honorable Mexican Business Magnate named Don Ricardo Salinas Pliego. And being a right-hand man of a Business Entrepreneur doing great, philanthropic projects for your community, earns you a spot in our group of Trusted Family and Friends. This is why I just had to include this Professional Leader later on in this article. More about Jorge later.
So, without further delay, let’s jump into the interview with Mr. Family Office.
1.Thank you for agreeing to be here with me and writing this post Mr. Family Office, When you first started your Twitter account Mr. Family Office did you feel any apprehension you were going to get pushback from our Adviser and Banker community because we have a Professional Duty to keep things secretive and confidential in our Investment world?
“Thanks Jameson, it’s good to meet you! Confidentiality and discretion are obviously fundamental in my world and it’s always my first thought when tweeting about any topic. I never tweet specific details about the family I represent or other family offices I work with. I would not break trust in this way. This can be limiting, there is a lot that I could share. But in fact there is plenty to talk about whether it’s general stories, my own stories or insights from the sector.“
“The feedback I get from advisors and bankers has been very positive so I think I get the balance about right. ”
2. It’s Fascinating to others out there in the World “How Family Offices Work” what was it like building your twitter account so others could see into this secretive space?
“It’s a lot of fun! I’ve met some very interesting people who I wouldn’t have met otherwise and I’m learning every day. I think family offices are slowly opening up, so the Twitter account is riding the wave of more transparency. “

3. How did you feel when you saw a community of Advisers, Investors, and Entrepreneurs being built around your Family Office Guy Account? What excited you about this and where do you see it going?
“It’s great to see. I started tweeting without any expectations at all, so I’m delighted to see the community that has grown around the account.”
As to where it’s going… good question. I’m focusing on the newsletter at the moment, but also discussing a few ideas with others from the family office world. Watch this space.
4. Not many people know Investment Partner has ownership in a Investment Advisory Firm with many Advisers as part of his Family Office, can you tell us about the spectrum “Small to Large Family offices you have seen as a Professional?
It’s an age old question – how much is enough for a family office. Family offices have become something of a status symbol in recent years. The SFO Alliance requires that members have at least $400 million AUM, I feel that this is a good minimum benchmark – but even at that level, the core team is going to be pretty small.
5. Do you feel your Twitter presence is helping to demystify the secretive and sensitive world of family offices and Billionaire investment management? “I hope so! “
SFO Family Office Website

Did you catch my latest article “Why VC Firms are turning to Investment Advisers”
Interview Continued
6.Have you ever been worried anyone would find out who you are? And how do you stay safe? ( Stupid question. Sorry No worries if it crosses the line. Don’t answer if it’s stupid. ) 🙂
“Quite a few people know who I am… but it’s safe to say that the mystery is far more interesting than the reality! As the account has grown, there have been contributions from various people in the sector, so it’s fair to say that there is more than one Mr (or Mrs) Family Office”
7.Has building your Family Office Acct. on twitter/X given you access to opportunities, relationships, and Investment Transactions you wouldn’t otherwise have access to? Do you have a short example?
“I have not sourced deals through Twitter yet, but I have connected with a bunch of family offices and FO professionals. ”

8. What does the continued growth of Family Office Account look like in 10 years?
“I’m certainly not looking 10 years ahead! Twitter under Elon Musk can be pretty wild, so you never quite know where you are! As I said, my focus for the immediate future is on collaborating with other contributors and building the newsletter.”
9. Can you share more about your Process for choosing Content and topics for your Posts of Family Offices?
“I like to mix things up.. I generally tweet about stuff I find funny or interesting. The inspiration comes from day-to-day work or from what I read. I think it’s important to have a balance between serious and non-serious. Overall, I don’t take myself too seriously… I think people like that about the account.”
10. What is the largest family office and (AUM) you have seen as a Family Office Expert?
“The largest I have worked with has been several billion dollars. But there’s always a bigger fish.”
11. Is there anything you can share that may be controversial about you building Mr. Family Office?
“Being anonymous on Twitter can be controversial in itself. But once people figure out that I’m not hawking courses or selling sketchy deals they tend to relax. “

12. How do aspiring Professional CFP’s, CFA’s and Investment Advisors get into the Family Office space as a career?
“Look out for some upcoming newsletters! I am planning to write a lot more on careers in family offices in the coming weeks.“
End of Interview questions.
This certainly was an interesting interview and opportunity. I would like, to take this opportunity to personally Thank Mr. Family Office for his time, generosity, and willingness, to help educate all my readers and myself about the World of Family Offices. It’s a look into a world and a view many professionals do not get to see, now they do have a little view into this discretionary world. This is very insightful and helpful. Thank you, Sir! It’s very professional of Mr. Family Office to help me as a part-time Journalist, grow with another interesting interview into our world of High Finance and Investing. Thank you again, Mr. Family Office.
Grupo Salina’s “Chief Of Staff” Jorge Nikaido
My friends in life are special and keeping their “Trust” is everything to me. So, I hope you understand I would never betray the confidence of anyone who does not wish to be publicly identified or participate in my posts. However, Don Ricardo and Jorge Nikaido are celebrities in Mexico and Latin America. Even so, I informed Jorge, that I was going to mention him in my article with Mr. Family Office. He deserves a little love and recognition considering he is always selflessly serving family and friends of ours.
Feel Free To Follow Jorge Nikaido on X-HERE
While preparing for this post and interview, I immediately thought ‘Who else do I know who is in our small world?’ And it hit me! My good friend, who I am connected to on X, (Twitter) and is Mexican Billionaire Don Ricardo Salina’s Pliego’s Right Hand Man, Sénior Jorge Nikaido.
Jorge is known as “THE FIXER” in the life and Family Office of Don Ricardo’s Salinas Pliego Empire in Mexico. So it’s only natural I would give a quick mention to him in my Post here with Mr. Family Office. To my Professional Friend in Mexico City who is always helpful and ready to assist and advise his Family and Friends like Me and Mr. Family Office? Salud Sénior Nikaido! I can’t wait to interview you soon and drop in to see you in Mexico City in the near future. Thank you.
Thank you for reading this week’s article and post about Mr. Family Office. As I continue to find new and interesting stories from High Finance, Investing and the Community of Business, I would like to leave you with this thought from Don Ricardo Salina who I consider an Honorable Community Leader, who cares about his friends and family. Don Ricardo says to us…
“To me, wealth is the peace of mind you have, your family, your friends, your colleagues. Everything else is just money, and it really is funny how people pay so much attention to that.”
Follow Don Ricardo Salinas Pliego here.
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Thank you for reading.