Mr. Dan Peña the Trillion Dollar Man was very generous in tweeting and sharing the interview I conducted with him. For the full interview? Click Here
Respect! 100%

Dan Peña’s Website of Interviews.
I made it on his super short list of Interviews. 100% Awesome. Click Image to go to Dan’s Website
If you have not read Dan Peña’s Book “Your First 100 Million?” Do so today, you will likely learn a few things you never thought possible. To Download his book? CLICK HERE

Dan Peña Gutherie Castle

Guthrie Castle valuation? The Castle and estate is 156 acres and just about 500 years old. Mr. Pena rents out the Castle grounds for Events like Marriage Ceremonies and other get togethers. This is not longer the case and this majestic property is private now. \We don’t know the exact worth of the castle but it’s been said to be worth over $25 million!