Business Articles, Estate Planning, Law

The Ultimate Guide To “TRUSTS”

If your concerned with after life or just need to keep assets in a safe place for a time being? This list should be your go to guide for TRUSTS to choose from. Trusts usually are ensuring, Safety of Assets, continuity of Funds, Property, and Investments. This List of “TRUSTS” will help you decide with your Investment Advisor and Estate Planning Attorney which to choose.

  • Revocable Living Trust -This is a trust that allows you to make changes to it, while you are living.
  • Grantor Trust -A Grantor is an individual who creates the trust, and this type of trust allows them to place money, assets, or whatever it may be into a trust in order to streamline things.
  •  Irrevocable Trust -Once you’ve placed money into the trust, it stays there. You can’t change your mind about this one. There are many types of revocable and irrevocable trusts, and we are going to go over them as we continue.
  • Testamentary Trust -Most often, a testamentary trust is created by the will and specifically outlines what assets are going to be utilized upon the death of the grantor. If you’re not careful, this could create some problems, tax-wise, for your business. So be sure to have your attorney take a close look at your last will and testament when setting up a testamentary trust.
  • Minor’s Trust -As the name implies, this is a trust that provides money to a child that is under the age of eighteen. It is usually created before you pass away, but it could be a part of the testamentary process as well. A minor’s trust will require the appointment of a trustee to manage the funds until the minor child comes of age.
  • Spendthrift Trust -A spendthrift trust is a great option for leaving money to someone who may not be the best at dealing with their finances. The spendthrift trust gives an independent trustee the full authority to make decisions as to how the funds may be spent. I recently told you about a client that has a child with some addiction issues. This would be a great trust for someone in such a situation.
  • Blind Trust -I first heard about blind trusts in an episode of Law & Order. Basically, it allows the trustee or anyone with the power of attorney to handle the assets without the beneficiary’s knowledge. The most common reason for this is to stave off contention between beneficiaries.
  • Discretionary Trust -Discretionary trusts don’t have a constant, or fixed, allocation of assets. The beneficiaries and the payments can be adjusted throughout the length of the trust by the trustee, based upon the criteria outlined within the trust document.
  • Intentional Defective Grantor Trust -This one is a bit more advanced. An Intentional defective grantor trust freezes some of the grantor’s assets for tax purposes. Essentially, the grantor intentionally creates a problem within the trust document that guarantees they must pay income tax on the income, decreasing the value of their estate. So you would use the estate asset to pay the taxes on the trust that is outside of your estate. Thus, allowing the trust assets to continue to grow without the erosion of taxes.
  • Credit Shelter Trust -The credit shelter trust allows married people to avoid estate taxes by allowing the assets specified in the trust to be transferred to the beneficiary. Usually, this is the grantor’s children. This allows the spouses to maximize their estate exemption. These are commonly listed in the last will and testament and used in conjunction with trust number eleven.
  • Marital Trust -Instead of shifting the proceeds of the trust to your children, as in the credit shelter trust, a marital trust moves them to your spouse. When the first spouse passes away, they leave the assets to the second spouse and, through the marital trust, they aren’t included in the second spouse’s estate.
  • Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trust -Qualified terminable interest property trusts or QTIP trusts provide for the surviving spouse but allow the grantor to remain in control after the death of the surviving spouse. These are useful in second marriages or to prevent predatory marriages.
  • Qualified Personal Residence Trust -If you need to remove your home from your estate, a qualified personal residence trust is a great way to do so. You would transfer your house to a QPRT trust in order to remove it from your estate and it can be considered a gift. Under the terms of the trust, you would allow the beneficiary to live in the house for a certain number of years, rent-free.
  • Generation-Skipping Trust -Let’s say you want to leave all of your assets to your grandchildren because you have already provided your own children with a means for success. A generation-skipping trust does exactly what it sounds like. It allows you to skip a generation in order to provide for the next one.

Before I move on with the list, did you catch my Article on “Pooled Investments and what you need to know? HERE!

Charitable Trusts

  • Charitable Trusts -Now we will explore the charitable trusts. As their category implies, these trusts offer a variety of charitable benefits. Additionally, these are a great vehicle for mitigating tax liabilities. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with benefiting from your giving.
  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust -The first is called the charitable remainder annuity trust or CRAT. With a CRAT you place your assets into the trust, which then pays back a fixed amount each year. Once you die, the remainder goes to charity.
  • Charitable Lead Annuity Trust -The charitable lead annuity trust is very similar to the CRAT, however, it works inversely. Instead of receiving a fixed annual payment and then giving the remainder to charity, a CLAT pays the annual benefit to the charity and then leaves the remainder to a beneficiary of your choosing, once you’ve passed.
  • Charitable Remainder Unitrust -A Charitable Remainder Unitrust, also known as CRUTs, is an irrevocable trust that is created under the authority of the internal revenue service. It pays a fixed percentage of the assets to your beneficiary — or to yourself — and then transfers the assets to a charity after your death.
  • Charitable Lead Unitrust -Charitable Lead Unitrusts or CLUTs allow a donor to give a varying amount each year, for a fixed amount of time. When the term of the trust is met, the remaining assets are given back to the donor or to the beneficiary.
  • Shark-Fin CLAT -The most aggressive type of CLAT allows small payments to be made into the trust for the first few years. However, a very large payment must be made in the last year, or two. By increasing payments over time, the assets in the trust have more time to grow.

Complex Trusts

Unlike simple trusts, complex trusts are a type of trusts that must retain some of their income rather than distributing all of it to their beneficiaries, distribute some or all of the principal to the beneficiaries, or distribute funds to a charitable organization. The name may be a little misleading, however. Complex trusts aren’t necessarily more complicated than simple trusts. They simply allow the trustee greater discretion.

  • Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust -This is one that I personally have. Basically, I’ve set the trust to buy life insurance and when I pass away, the trust shifts the proceeds to my wife and kids.
  • Crummey Trust -Some will argue that the Crummey trust isn’t a trust, but rather, a provision. Technically it is a trust, however. It’s based on the 1968 Crummey case and essentially allows you to take advantage of the gift tax exclusion when you transfer cash or assets to another person. With a Crummey trust, you retain the right to place limitations on when the recipient can access the funds.
  • Buildup Equity Retirement Trust -Buildup equity retirement trusts, allow a spouse to give a gift to their spouse, using the annual gift instead of the unlimited marital deduction. In doing this, the assets are exempt from both the gift and the estate taxes.

Grantor Type Trusts

These trusts have a few key takeaways. For starters, the individual who creates the trust is the owner of the assets and property for income and estate tax purposes. However, grantor trust rules can apply to a variety of trusts and are a useful tool for minimizing taxes.

  • Grantor Retained Unitrust -GRUTs are irrevocable trusts that allow the grantor to place assets into the trust and receive a variable amount of income during the term of the trust. Let’s say it’s a twenty-year trust, the grantor can receive a fixed or a varied income for the length of that twenty-year term, or the life of the grantor.
  • Grantor Retained Income Trust -Being a Southern boy, I am particularly fond of a good batch of grits but that’s not the type of GRITs I am referring to when I talk about GRITs: grantor retained income trusts. This is the same basic concept as a GRUT but in this case, the grantor places an asset in the trust and retains the right to receive income from those assets for a period of time.
  • Grantor Retained Annuity Trust -These allow the grantor to make a large contribution, as a means to avoid gift taxes, and then set up an annuity through the GRAT. This creates an annuity payment for a fixed period of the term. Afterward, the remaining assets go to the beneficiary as a gift.
  • Dynasty Trust -This one is where your attorney will earn his money, as some states do not allow these types of trust. Dynasty trusts are irrevocable and give the grantor the right — as long as it is within the law — to set stringent rules on how the money is to be distributed and how it is to be used by the beneficiary. Because it is irrevocable, a dynasty trust can’t be altered by the grantor or their beneficiaries. These are typically used by wealthy grantors to ensure that they are leaving their financial legacy to generations rather than individuals.

Asset Protection Trusts

This class of trust is often used to shield an individual’s assets from creditors. These are the strongest protection you can find from creditors, lawsuits, or any judgments against your estate. However, you should always consult a qualified financial advisor to see if this type of trust is right for you.

  • Domestic Asset Protection Trust -This is a simple way to protect your assets from creditors. That is, literally, the simplest term available to describe a DAPT.
  • Offshore Asset Protection Trust -While it might sound like something the incredibly wealthy super-villain in a movie would have, in order to shield their holdings from the scrupulous eyes of the hero, in reality, they’re pretty common. Essentially, you create a trust in a non-domestic jurisdiction to protect your assets from seizures, judgments, or creditors.
  • Totten Trust -We discussed these in the last article, but basically, it is a form of trust in which the grantor places money into a bank account or security. Upon the grantor’s death, the assets in the account pass to a beneficiary.
  • Illinois Land Trust -Illinois land trusts are for non-profit entities for the purpose of conservation. If you had a piece of wooded land or a farm and wanted to have it maintained for the benefit of someone else, you would create a land trust.
  • Gun Trust -A trust that isn’t so well known is the gun trust. It allows its creator to acquire a class-3 weapons holder — you must have a license — in order to transfer a gun into the trust. This is especially useful for collectors and enthusiasts that may have several (Legally obtained) automatic firearms, suppressors, and things of that nature. There are a lot of laws that surround gun trusts though, so it’s best to speak to your attorney when setting one up.
  • IRA Trust -Individual Retirement Account Trusts are often set up by the courts. You are essentially setting up a retirement account for the beneficiary, usually your kids, and placing it into a trust.

Special Needs and Elderly Care Trusts

As you might expect, this group of trusts is designed with the long-term care of individuals with special needs in mind.

  • Special needs planning is unique from typical estate planning when you have beneficiaries with unique challenges and perhaps who also participate in means-based government programs, such as developmental disability (DD) services, Medicaid, or Social Security Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Special needs planning allows you to:
  • Provide a legacy for your special needs loved ones,
  • Designate someone to manage the trust for their benefit,
  • Handle any unexpected inheritance or personal injury lawsuit funds,
  • Protect them from creditors and predators, and
  • Protect their eligibility for benefits.
  • First-Party Special Needs Trust -These trusts can be set up by an individual with special needs, in order to maximize their social security or Medicaid benefits.
  • Medicaid Trust
  • Medicaid Trusts are income-only trusts that help seniors avoid tax issues and probate problems when they are living in a nursing home and pass away. It’s a way to protect assets, but there are some clawback issues. You will need to speak with your experienced estate-planning attorney.
  • Qualified Income Trust -Also known as the Miller trust, the QIT protects the assets of an individual that has applied or is applying to Medicaid. If the individual has too much money to qualify for Medicaid, they could place their assets into a qualified income trust in order to meet the financial requirements. Personally, I have ethical issues with this type of trust, but feel free to form your own opinion.
  • V.A. Eligible Trust -The V.A. Eligible trust is similar in concept to the Miller trust. Once again, you are placing money outside of what the government can track, in order to make way for the Veteran’s Association to help you with in-home care or nursing home care.
  • Spousal Testamentary Special Needs Trust -Spousal testamentary special needs trusts combine two different trusts to help the surviving spouse be counted eligible for Medicaid.
  • Pooled Trust -Finally, we’ve come to the end of our long list with the pooled trust. It is designed to allow people with disabilities to become financially eligible for public assistance benefits like Medicaid home care.

Using Trusts for Tax Mitigation

The goal of most of the trusts that we’ve covered is to minimize the amount of income tax you will be responsible for. Now, that’s not to say that this should be used as a means of dishonesty, but rather that there are allowances and exemptions — if you know where to look — that will allow you to protect your assets and sustain them for the people you love the most. It is important to speak to your attorney when planning and creating your trusts, in order to make sure that you utilize all of the tools available to you, while also keeping within the guidelines of the law.

In Conclusion

The following list of Trusts was meant to give you a better understanding of the TRUSTS that you can use for you family, personal or group needs. It provides all types of options for safety of Assets, Securities, Medical Care, and Financial Planning and Developing a long legacy. I hope you found value with this list, and hope you work with your Attorney, Tax Accountants, Investment Advisors, and other Financial Professionals to make this list work for you.


Business Articles

This is How Entrepreneurs Stay Safe When Investors Invest

If your a Entrepreneur you better believe you will be under the microscope financially when handling other People’s money. And this is how you stay safe and stay lawful in the process.

First you need to understand my tone when I am writing this Post. It’s serious fucking business. Admittedly I am known for not being a push over and being a little edgy at times. But someone must demand excellence from others. The Military was responsible for beating this into me. So if your sensibilities are chapped or offended? Maybe you should not read this article. And this article is NOT LEGAL ADVICE.

Many entrepreneurs do not stop to consider how their ignorance, and inflated ego is causing their own limited growth or certain failures. If you are pandering to the general public for social media likes. You are not fooling anyone. As a matter of fact you are alienating real business opportunities and real qualified investor opportunities.

Real business people in your community are always watching your every move. They know a fucking Fraud from a real struggling take no prisoners entrepreneur. There’s wealthy individuals, Investment Partners, and finance professionals in your community who are incredibly sophisticated financially. They know a real authentic Entrepreneur from a social media fraud.

Live by this advice. Be authentic, be incredibly generous and politely carry yourself with absolute class. Watch your movements and how you do business. Have some pride and help your community.

If your in the column of qualified or Accredited Investor from the SEC? And you would like to share your informed opinion with me how I am right or wrong in this Post? Im positive I would be open to it. Please Email me. 🙂

And if you have read previous posts from my Blog? It can not be stressed enough. How important recruiting a successful community leader and Mentor is! It’s so important you will be doing yourself a disservice if you do not recruit a mentor in your community.

Still most Entrepreneurs do not know what they are doing. So If you do not know what your doing? Recruit professionals who do know what they are doing. This post is meant to keep your professional reputation intact. And keep you safe from criminal investigations that may end with you locked up in a jail cell and labeled a fraud in the local Newspaper.

What you should not be doing?

The Following suggestion of mine, is what you should NOT be doing if your a Entrepreneur who is seeking fundraising for your new startup. If you want to be successful? The following strict bullet points are suggestions you should take to heart.

  • A. You should not be approaching wealthy community members with a idea that has no proof of concept.
  • B. You should not be selling yourself with the next FACEBOOK idea to the wealthy in your community.
  • C. You should not be accepting any checks or money from anyone in the community without a team of pro’s.

Under “NO CIRCUMSTANCES” do you ever fundraise in your community alone with just an idea. This will always end badly and if you ask me? Is tantamount to criminal fraud in the highest degree. You have no business taking money from anyone and managing funds in a business checking account if your a new fresh entrepreneur. Are we on the same page? GOOD!

If you are not humble and not reliant on Business Professionals? It’s likely you will end up on American Greed as a failed Entrepreneur and Criminal. So do everyone a favor. And do things the right way. And for “God’s Sakes…Don’t be a Instagram Playboy. That Screams Your A Fraud and Criminal. Your Welcome.”

What steps should you be taking as a Entrepreneur?

You should be interviewing Professionals in your community for the right “fit”!

Before we can advance, I need to drive home the importance of this step. This will provide you a few professionals you will need to recruit if you are starting a business. This formula will not fail you and using this formula will keep you safe legally. It will absolutely boost your community presence as someone to take seriously and will begin to create a positive buzz about your business venture. So please take my advice and use it. It pays massively overtime and will begin to make you a trusted community voice and leader.

The reason I lay this out here is because..Many people in your community will dismiss you as someone to take seriously. In todays environment of Bull Shit Social Media Posts and Online Con-Men and Con Women? If your not squared away with a team of Professionals. People will gossip about you. And will privately call you a Fraud and speak poorly about you. Until proven otherwise.

Read this article about a “Globe-Trotting Instagram Playboy Busted In $431 Million Credit Card Cyber Scam After FBI Raids His Dubai Mansion” “HushPuppi the Nigerian “FRAUD!”

This post is meant to give you the Entrepreneur real direction on how to fundraise and become a success. Their are literally so many criminals and frauds in the business entrepreneur environment and on social media. You will likely be judged as just another “CON MAN OR WOMAN” until people can clearly see your helping your community with a team of professionals in tow. So beware.

Recruit a Business Attorney

First step in your business entrepreneurship career is to interview and recruit general advisory legal counsel. Having a Business Attorney close to you will ensure two things. You stay out of legal hot water, and you will have an established advisor help you negotiate decisions in business. This alone will negate most of the problems you face in business. My personal Attorney is a Bad Ass. We have worked on a Inner City Mayoral Political Campaign in the past. He is Corporate Counsel and always available when I need him. And honestly speaking? Also available as a Team Mate when I visit and am invited to high class Cocktail Business Receptions with our City’s elite.

The benefits are 100% GOLD! Your counsel’s advice will help you along the journey. Keeping you safe from making stupid mistakes. And when it’s time to start accepting checks form Investors? He will know how to create Legal Documents to keep you safe from legal action or worse. Criminal Investigations.

Difficulty of this process?

Look everything has a downside. I am not saying call up your local Big Law Firm and try to recruit a $900 an hour corporate attorney you don’t already have a relationship with? Not what I am saying! Find a small Business Attorney in your City someone you already know who is a trusted Business Attorney or Someone you trust to introduce you to a Attorney. Telephone the Attorney and go to lunch. Be prepared and ask relevant questions. Look for the right fit for you. And establish a trust based Relationship moving forward. It’s too easy for you inexperienced name to be dragged through the MUDD by not having the right professionals around you. Capesche? Good!

Small Trusted Local Accounting Firm

Ok let’s say you have began your Entrepreneurial mission, you have been preparing the community for fundraising. Your next step is to begin searching and visiting small local “TRUSTED COMPETENT” Accounting Firms. Having a small trusted and competent accounting firm to handle all financial aspects of bookkeeping and payments is extremely vital and a cornerstone to your success as a Entrepreneur. If you will be handling any money from Investors? Your small accounting firm and your local general counsel need to be working with you and together. If you accept a investor check from anyone you need these 2 people at that table. Or at the bare minimum involved. A. Your General Counsel and Attorney and B. Your Local Competent and Trusted Accountants. I would also have the meeting at the Office of your Attorney or Accountant. This is my advice.

This will prevent you from having any problems moving forward. But if you want to play it safe and keep your reputation from being dragged through the mud? You must take this advice and use it. And for the record you should already have a business plan on the table before you accept a check from any investor. It’s just good business. Many entrepreneurs who do go the start up route? Do not understand that it’s foolhardy to sell a start up idea with no numbers or no proof of concept. If I were you? Don’t ever sell a Start up idea with just a piece of paper and a idea. Never approach investors with just a piece of paper and a idea.


Let’s say for instance your Business is on it’s way to being a start up. Since your startup business is it’s “OWN ENTITY”. The role of the Controllers? Controllers are the people inside the business with authority to approve or deny spending of funds for your business entity. You will need A. A Controller who’s integrity is professionally sound and someone that has previous experience. And B. You should in good conscience stay away from handling funds alone. Always have another signature and confirmation for spending funds or approvals. To play it safe? You should have at least 3 individuals who are responsible for the spending or denial of dispersing funds. And at any time 2 of these individuals should give permission for the business to spend any amounts of money over say….$500 dollars. This keeps you safe as a entrepreneur and will keep you legally out of trouble.

I would choose 2 Accountants as fellow Controllers of the Business checking account. This is the safe route. And will ensure your business is safe at the end of the day. I can not stress enough how important accountants are to your business. Because you will need to pay your Employees and need to file “TAXES”. So they are extremely important to your startup business.

Here is another reason I suggest having a trusted local Accounting Firm as partners in business? They will invite you to spend time with other Business owners. This begins to establish your trusted name in the business community. And if you ever need a referral to another business professional in your community? They are there to help.

In conclusion you likely are beginning to see how important it is to have professionals in your business career. If your going to be handling other peoples money in Business and as a Entrepreneur? It is mandatory you use this post as a rough blue print and direction you need to take to A. Stay Safe Legally from Criminal Probes, and B. Building your Professional Reputation as someone Trustworthy in your business community. Because all things considered to many Entrepreneurs I meet “HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO RUN A BUSINESS” or are “Financially Illiterate”. This will help start you on the right track and begin to help you move in the right direction as you stumble along as a Entrepreneur.

Thanks for Reading. Stay Tuned!


Business Articles

How To Partner & Recruit Big 4 Firm Accountants

Warning this is a No Bull guide to recruiting an Accountant that is World Class. And will take ownership when they need to. So dial in and read carefully. I would also trust but verify during due diligence. Always.

It’s vital for all entrepreneurs to have a close friend and advisor who is a Rockstar Sr. Partner of one of the Big 4 Accounting Firms. Or if this is not accessible to you as a Entrepreneur. Recruit from the pool of Partners at large Regional firms who are professional Business Advisors and Tax Advisors. Be mindful its good to have at least two professional accountants who are experts in Tax and Transaction Advisors. And a Tax Attorney for good measure.

Who do you look at as a Possible Partner to approach?

This post is going based on my experience since I have had to do this several times being I am a M&A Entrepreneur. The best qualifications for Partners of Accounting firms you targeting as a Entrepreneur? Don’t actually begin with fancy Degrees or Elitist College. I will say it’s nice to have a Partner Accountant who has this, but in my experience it’s not needed. But what is needed are 2 qualities. And also need at least 10 years of Transactional Experience. Interestingly Partners of big firms often are often sought after. But to me this is a huge mistake. Just simply from the life experience they possess and leadership from their life at a Big Firm. They honestly are secret weapons in Entrepreneurship. We are lucky to have two Big Firm Sr. Partners from PWC and KPMG on my team. They are named John M. And Tim O.

A. Transactional Experience. When a Partner served years as an Associate with their firm. More than likely they spent years cultivating and crafting their advisory experiences. Forming personal relationships with many Senior Executives across the world as they work closely together. Due Diligence during and before Transactions are where they will be extremely effective as you build your investment group or business foundation as a Entrepreneur. Search Funds usually have Accountants with experience mentor Search Fund entrepreneurs along their search.

Accountants are also your best friend when it comes to Business accounting practices, also it’s important to have their guidance, advice and looking at Taxes and the path forward for your venture. It’s absolutely vital an Experienced accountant be present when looking at deals and transactions. No excuses period.

B. Your accountant should have solid integrity. Meaning if he exaggerates in any way during your first 6 months of knowing him. Discard and start over with new interviews immediately. Integrity to me is the ultimate qualifier. If I can surreptitiously evaluate our conversations. Along with our advisory content while listening with my gut feeling? You will know if you can trust this Accountant and partner. Then monitor their performance as needed.

What professional experience matters when considering an Accountant?

When choosing an Accountant one of the Men who taught me how to be a super informed Entrepreneur is my fellow Navy Veteran and Naval Officer the Honorable Mr. Ross Perot. Navy Lt. Perot shared in his Book “My Life & Principals for success” Ross Perot shares in the book “Employ a First -rate accountant. Absolute loyalty and integrity is essential. They should be detail oriented. Excellent Grades in College. Both a CPA and Law Degree Specializing in Tax and corporate law. Experience with a major CPA Firm. END.” Now Ross likes accountants with Law Degrees. I would say it’s fine to have a newly retired Partner from large firm. And a TAX M&A Attorney to cover your bases. But definitely have one of Both. But for this purpose of Accountants? Definitely recruit an Experienced Accountant from a large firm. You should be safe on your journey after you heed this advice.

How a new entrepreneur can get the best Accountants to interview?

How does a entrepreneur with NO Business experience and No impressive winning Credentials or Track record for that matter. Go out in the intimidating business world and schedule interviews with super successful Accountants for your growing team? I would like to offer a solution that worked for me. Ok Now this is very personal. So I do hope you take this hard fought wisdom. And use it wisely. And pass it along to struggling entrepreneurs. But first let me tell you something about personal commitment. I went out in to the crazy big world researched for months possible candidates who would possibly be a good fit as a partner & mentor. And in the end I amazingly Recruited an American Billionaire just from a cold email and cold call. Ya that’s bragging rights right there. lol But I digress. In order for you to recruit a world class Accountant. I would hope you have some sort of track record to bring to the table. And if you don’t your not out of luck. I would first focus on partnering with a local Ultra Successful entrepreneur. So at least you have something attractive and a fraction of credibility.

What is the most important issue when interviewing the Accountant?

This will be very short. The most important issue is deciding if the Accountants natural energy and conversational flow. Compliments yours. Do you have a good feeling? And make sure your gut tells your inner voice they are a good fit. Make your decision only after 3 or 4 interviews.

What questions should you ask?

Have a list already prepared. And do look at some of the points I have previously mentioned above in this How to guide. It’s all really up to you. However if you really want to ask some deep diving questions? Have the Accountant tell you about their career progression. And ask about some of the transactions that were the most enjoyable. This should be a great start to a great relationship.

I do appreciate you reading this far into my disruptive pattern of thoughts and advice. If you received something worth your time here? Please be sure to comment, like and share the Article on Linkedin or whichever social media platform you use. I do not get paid for my Blog of growing Business experience. However I do like to write about things that I have learned. And I hope just maybe. The things I have learned the hard way will be learned and put to use by a new Entrepreneur reading this blog. That to me is giving back to my community and it’s honestly my duty.

Thank you for reading and I do hope you return to have questions answered again one day.

