Visiting Wall Street during the Pandemic of 2021 several times has all lead to strange events. Ive been lucky enough to roam around inside the Trump Building on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, and just in general visiting several of the empty offices of most Investment Bankers during the Pandemic. Several Senior and Jr. Partners of JP Morgan, and other Investment Bankers have been extraordinarily generous to me as I set up my network moving forward. But while I was visiting Wall Street in March 17th 2021 It was literally an empty Ghost town. The usual busy Banker Bars were all shut down. Almost all were locked up tight with no street traffic at all. One or two bars were open in Battery Park. But I got a eerie cold feeling. This wasn’t the Same “New York City Wall Street” as before. But make no mistake. Business markets were busy churning out deals, and the Stock Market was buzzing with lot’s of movement.

Early in 2021 I visited Wall Street for the first time in my life. I have been to New York City in the Past, however I never have taken the time and made the Pilgrimage from Up Town to Downtown.
In all seriousness I do have to admit that it was very special for me to visit Wall Street and make the pilgrimage this time around. Even though I have been to New York City a few times during my brief life on this earth. This time was special. Because I am a full Partner with two additional very influential Business Men who are considered Professional Heavy Hitters.

Wall Street Station – New York City Subway Metro Entrance. Ok so after arriving down in Battery Park. I found out real quickly that New York City was under the Mask Mandates.
Meeting A Friend & Acquisition Entrepreneur In Midtown Manhattan

Visiting Manhattan during the Pandemic. While in New York City I remembered I had someone I had previously connected with online. I reached out to him. His name is Arthur. We ended up meeting at the Kimberly Hotel. I am pleasantly surprised by the extravagance of the Hotel. But when I arrive a huge Russian speaking tough guy is there to greet me. And nicely ask me to put on my mask. But even though I am surprised and stunned at the clear international diversity in New York City. I just put the Mask on, and carry on. Begrudgingly saying to myself. The Democrats have a real mess on their hands here. LOL But I digress. I am pleasantly surprised when Arthur arrives. He is a young man, athletically built for speed, and stands about 6 foot 1 in height and I can tell he has a Street personality. Has very strong Street Smarts and very cautious. I recognize he is on the hunt just like myself. And does move with a purpose. We go up to the Rooftop Bar and immediately start talking. I learn Arthur is from Harlem, and is a Pharmacist. And has been actively looking for small Pharmacies or smaller Drug companies that would be good acquisition targets. I can tell immediately he is on his way to being very successful during his career and search. There is no doubt he has the grit needed to just go do it.
We exchange stories of how are Journey’s in the acquisition space are proceeding. We talk about Stanford University’s MBA program, and this former Business man on Youtube who screams profanities. Mr. Dan Pena. Speaking of Dan Pena, Id like to share with you one of my Transaction Advisors and Partners. He is a Senior Partner at a BIG 4 Firm. And newly retired. His name is John M. When I was seeking a Transaction Accountants and advisors. John made it clear he has a real distaste for the Man on Youtube who screams profanities. All things considered. I can see why John would feel that way. John has real class, is polished like me, has an education and loves to catch up with me from time to time. I really appreciate his time and I know I could never reach that next level without his personal guidance. But make no mistake. John is secretly a savage and warrior at heart. I know this because he has been successful in the Business space for over 25 years. LOL It’s good to have team mates willing to go out in the market and face uncertainty along side you.

Back to business. It’s literally a pleasure to meet this young man. Im very glad I made time on this Sunday Afternoon. The check comes for the drinks. I complain it’s ridiculous. Only in New York I say. It’s about 58 degrees and light is fading. Thank God I don’t live here. Is all that crosses my mind.
So the time is about 5pm on this Cloudy Rainy Day in March in Midtown Rooftop Bar. And I am preparing to leave the City and start my drive back up to the Canadian Border near Rochester. Reflecting on this visit to New York City. Im happy I made the trip down to Wall Street and completed as much as I was able to. There is a figure I have purposefully failed to mention. And wanted to save for the last of this post. I had no idea who he was until later. But this figure is a legend inside Wall Street Business Trader Circles. He uses Value Investing Philosophy. This man is Dr. Michael Burry. Dr. Burry made his fortune during the 2008 Financial Collapse strategically shorting the Housing Market. Using Credit Default Swaps. His hedge fund took full advantage of the collapse. By shorting stocks. Watch this Video for a full understanding how the market collapsed here.
The Banks and most American’s lost big. His story of how this went down is best described in the Book The Big Short by Michael Lewis. You can read the book here. Dr. Burry’s Scion Capital is an Asset Management firm. You just never know who or what will show up on New Yorks City’s Streets. This book is great.
Thank you for reading, and I will likely do a follow up post about more in depth experiences I had while I continue to visit the Boardrooms and Backrooms of the Worlds Financial Machine Wall Street. You truly never know where your Business will take you. And this includes life as a legit Acquisitions entrepreneur. I have a suspicion Africa is my next horizon I will be exploring. Many deals and Assets to be looked at over the horizon there. Thanks for reading.